Indian farmers return home with the 'Victory March' after Fifteen months protests,

Indian farmers return home with the 'Victory March' after Fifteen months protests, Farmers camped on the borders of Sanghu, Takri, and Ghazipur, adjacent to the Indian capital New Delhi, are returning to their hometowns on Saturday after 15 months and marching for victory.

According to Indian TV channel NDT, the farmers will return to the states of Punjab and Haryana in a 'victory march'.

 Indian farmers return home with the 'Victory March' after Fifteen months protests,

Farmers are removing their temporary residences in these border areas, but they will gather for some celebrations, after which their return journey will begin.

As a result of continuous protests by Indian farmers against the three agricultural laws, on November 19, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the withdrawal of the three controversial laws.

On November 29, the Indian Parliament voted to repeal the controversial laws.

 Indian farmers return home with the 'Victory March' after Fifteen months protests,

Indian farmers return home with the 'Victory March' after Fifteen months protests,
Indian farmers return home with the 'Victory March' after Fifteen months protests,

According to Indian media reports, the farmers will return to their homes in tractors while special arrangements have been made to welcome the farmers on the roads.

Initially, the 'Victory March' was planned for Friday but was postponed after the killing of 13 people, including Indian Chief of Defense Staff General Bipin Rawat, in Tamil Nadu.

On Friday, Rakesh Ticket, leader of the Indian Farmers' Union, told ANI that a large group of farmers would evacuate the protest site today.

Indian farmers return home with the 'Victory March' after Fifteen months protests,

"We will talk, pray and meet the people who helped us. People have started coming out. It will take four to five days to get out. "

He said he would leave on December 15.

 Indian farmers return home with the 'Victory March' after Fifteen months protests,

After Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's announcement to withdraw the three controversial laws, the farmers had said that they would stop protesting until their other demands were met.

He announced his decision to return after the central government accepted his further demands and wrote a letter stating that all cases against the farmers would be withdrawn and the families of the slain farmers would be compensated. The Center also agreed to form a committee on the issue of the minimum price of agricultural products.

 Indian farmers return home with the 'Victory March' after Fifteen months protests,

Indian farmers return home with the 'Victory March' after Fifteen months protests,
Indian farmers return home with the 'Victory March' after Fifteen months protests,

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