Kareena Kapoor suffers from corona get well soon

Kareena Kapoor suffers from corona, 'Hopefully, she will get well soon. Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor has contracted the coronavirus.

According to The Indian Express, on Monday, actress Kareena Kapoor revealed that she tested positive for the coronavirus. She shared an update on social media saying that she has quarantined herself.

Kareena Kapoor suffers from corona get well soon

His friend Amrita Arora also tested positive for corona. The two recently attended a party together.

Kareena's father Randhir Kapoor confirmed that his daughter's condition is better now. And they offered to take care of their children Timur and Jahangir until Kareena recovers.

On Sunday, Kareena developed a body ache and a mild fever, after which she had her coronavirus tested.

Kareena Kapoor suffers from corona get well soon

Kareena Kapoor suffers from corona get well soon
Kareena Kapoor suffers from corona get well soon

Speaking to E-Times, Randhir Kapoor quoted Kareena as saying, "She is in quarantine at home at the moment, so I asked her to send the children to my house, but she said that Timur and J. Can live together She is OK, so she will be fine. "

Kareena Kapoor suffers from corona get well soon

So far, 30 high-risk contacts between Kareena and Amrita have been detected and the results of their Covid 19 test are expected on Tuesday.

BMC officials said that their houses have been sealed as per protocol.

Kareena Kapoor posted an update on her health and wrote on Instagram: "My corona test is positive. Following all medical protocols, I immediately quarantined myself. I urge everyone who comes in contact with me to take the test. "

Kareena Kapoor suffers from corona get well soon

"My family and staff have been given double doses of the vaccine. There is no sign of them at the moment. Thankfully, I'm feeling well and hope to get well soon. "

Kareena Kapoor suffers from corona get well soon

Kareena and Amrita have recently attended a number of parties and public events. Officials from the BMC are also looking into if the two actresses had any interaction with a foreign tourist from a high-risk country.

Kareena Kapoor suffers from corona get well soon

Kareena Kapoor suffers from corona get well soon
Kareena Kapoor suffers from corona get well soon

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